- Scheduled Maintenance Notice: This site will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance from 6:30 24/11/2024 to 4:30 (IST) 25/11/2024. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- Please note that the MISUMI Pune office and warehouse will be closed on November 20th due to the state election.
- Notice of End of Sales for Economy Series Pneumatic Equipment Category. More information.
Office Supplies
Stationery, office equipment, and office electronics are a general term for office supplies and office equipment, PC peripherals, and consumables used for work in offices. It means items around a desk such as stationery like scissors and staplers, paper such as notebooks and copy paper, writing utensils such as ballpoint pens and pencils, files for sorting documents, compasses and rulers necessary for drafting, etc. In addition, there are also label printers and printer ink toners. There are also welfare-related items that will help you perform clerical work in any physical condition. There are handrails to help in climbing up and down, four-wheeled walking vehicles, portable hearing aids, etc., to support workers. Cafeteria and break room items are convenient to use during breaks.
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